Today we are featuring a glorious client story from Dawn! We hope that you love reading these just as much as we do and are inspired by the incredible females in Team NRF!

Hi, I’m Dawn, and I’m here to tell you that it’s never too late to turn your life around. 

I was 50 last year, very overweight, unfit, unhealthy and with little confidence. I’d tried every diet in the book and although I would lose weight, it never seemed to be sustainable, and eventually I’d put the weight back on, and usually more on top.

I’d lost a bit of weight at the end of 2019 into early 2020, but then piled most of it back on through the first lockdown. What I did do though, was watch Erin (always my inspiration!) start her journey with NRF, and was blown away by the incredible positive changes she was making. 

It took me until mid August last year to pluck up the courage to ask Nicole for help, not really knowing if I’d be able to do it ‘at my age’, as all of the other girls in the team seemed to be in their twenties. 

Obviously top of my list was to lose weight, but also to become fitter and healthier. These were my goals initially, and sure enough, the weight started shifting and I started to become stronger and fitter. 

I’m now 8 months in, and have lost 3 stone and 50 inches around my body, which I’m obviously over the moon about. But what I wasn’t expecting, was the long list of other benefits, which have definitely shifted my focus away from the scales. 

My sleep is so much better, I walk everyday, I want to get out of bed in the morning, I get up earlier in the morning, I drink lots of water, I’m off my anti-depressants, I have no joint pain, I have more energy, I am stronger, I am fitter, I have more confidence, I have muscle growth and definition, I don’t drink alcohol very often now, I don’t suffer with restless legs, I am even starting to like myself a little!

I could go on and on, the list is endless!

The most surprising thing to me though, is that it has even changed my behaviour when I’ve taken time out, such as a weekend away. I’ve found that even when I’m ‘allowed’ as I’m off plan for a few days, I don’t actually want to overindulge in too much alcohol, or eat too many unhealthy foods, etc, as I know it just makes me feel horrible. I’ve become much more in tune with my body, and I would rather get up early and go for a lovely walk in the fresh air, and maybe just have one glass of wine that I really enjoy. 

Another huge benefit for me is mentally. I’ve always suffered with my mental health, and this is by far the best treatment I’ve found for it. I feel this journey has given me the best tools to deal with dips in my mental health as and when they come. I have now put such good habits in place, that I know I will get out of bed and go for a walk in the fresh air, whether I feel like it or not, which of course will be the best thing for me if it is a day that I am struggling. 

I am loving my new normal, which is completely alien to my ‘pre NRF’ normal. I just don’t recognise myself!

Thank goodness for Nicole! She is the most amazing woman, who goes above and beyond, and is so much more than a coach! She is a fountain of knowledge, and I trust her advice implicitly. She always knows the right thing to do when you hit a bump in the road. 

Not only do you get a fantastic coach, but Nicole has created a wonderful, supportive community of the most amazing girls. Team NRF is always there, not only to share your victories, but more importantly to offer help, advice and support on those tough days. 

I cannot recommend NRF enough, it has truly changed my life… and it’s not just for the young!


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