Hi again, I thought I should introduce myself and give you a little more information about my story! I’m Nicole and I live in Greater Manchester with my husband Ged and our fur baby Cooper. NRF began in April 2020 and it is something I am so incredibly proud of. Therefore, I thought it might be a good idea to go into further detail about my story and let you know how I got to this point…
In the summer of 2016 I returned home from an amazing 2 years of travelling in Australia and felt a little lost and unhappy. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, I was very unhappy with what I saw in the mirror and had zero self confidence in my body or my ability to achieve the things I wanted out of life.
In February 2017 I decided it was time to make a change. I talk to my girls a lot about the fact that we control our own destiny and it was in this moment that I decided to take control of mine. I joined an outdoor bootcamp and attended it 3-4 times each week. The classes were HIIT style training and I quickly built a solid routine and began to see results. I had gone from no exercise to four high impact workouts each week and I felt great for it!
Now, although I was really pleased to be moving again and loved seeing some results with my body, I can’t say I LOVED the form of exercise. Some HIIT training is great but for me four times a week, mostly in the rain, was too much haha.. I stuck with it through until the end of the summer and both physically and mentally I was in a much better place.


In November 2017 my story continued as I decided to give Pole Fitness a try. I managed to convince a friend to come with me and I can hand on heart say it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I truly believe it led me to where I am today. As a child, and through my teenage years, I did a lot of dance and I felt like this took me back to my roots. Nothing makes you feel better than being upside down and achieving things you never thought possible. Pole requires a whole lot more strength than you might think and so it is incredibly empowering when you are able to build up to a move you didn’t think you would ever achieve. I then taught pole for a number of years and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!

Due to my love of pole fitness and the strength required to do it, I decided to get a personal trainer in May 2018, which is when my love of fitness and health really began.  I had lost a lot of weight by this point but felt that my progress has stalled and I wanted to improve at pole – this seemed like the obvious route to take.  During my PT sessions we worked with weights, something that was completely new to me (I had gone to the gym in the past and pottered around nervously in the cardio section), and I found it incredibly liberation.  Is it HARD work especially when you are new to it but I began to love it and was always nervous and excited for my session each week.  Outside of this PT session I was training in the gym with my friend around 3 times a week. We were following plans supplied by our coach and really enjoying the process. 
My Story


Weight training became my favourite form of exercise (trust me when I say there is something out there for everyone!). I find it so empowering to feel strong in both my body and my mind and there is nothing better than working hard towards a stronger lift and hitting a PB.

Weight training requires a lot more focus and dedication than you might imagine and I genuinely believe that it has had an incredible impact on my inner strength. It teaches you that you can achieve absolutely anything you put your mind to if you are willing to work hard enough to get there.

I went to watch some friends compete in a fitness modelling competition in July 2019. I had always sworn blind that it was absolutely not something I was interested in but after watching them and being completely inspired by them, I decided to give it a go. I stepped my training up a notch and entered into my first bikini competition prep in August 2019. With the support of my coach and my incredible friends and partner, I placed 3rd in both categories I competed in in November 2019. This was an incredibly proud moment and something that will stay with me forever.

During my prep I was completely focussed on the task at hand and it gave me a lot of time to reflect on the journey I had had since returning from Australia. I realised that without the support and guidance of the different people throughout that process I wouldn’t be where I am today. I decided that I wanted to be able to give that to someone else and that if I could qualify as a personal trainer and help just one female change their life in the way I had changed mine then I would be beyond happy.. And here we are!

In a relatively small space of time, NRF has become something I could only ever have dreamed of! The women in our team support one another through the good and the bad and I am beyond proud of every single one of them. It is SO much more than personal training or online coaching.

It is friendship, empowerment and complete girl gang goals!

Since 2020 our team has grown and grown, becoming something I could have only ever dreamed of. The final piece of the puzzle was realised in October 2023 when we opened Studio NRF, our female only personal training and fitness classes studio. This is now our home and is an incredible space for women to get fitter and stronger. The studio is growing from strength and strength and is a real pinch me achievement for me personally. I absolutely adore being a part of so many women’s journeys and count myself very lucky that you choose our home to train in!

And finally, please believe me when I say that I know what it feels like. As you have read in my story, I have been there, I have been unhappy, lacked self esteem and wanted to make changes. Being able to understand where you are coming from is really important to me and an empathetic, holistic approach is key to my coaching.
I have been a qualified Personal Trainer since April 2020, continuing to build on my knowledge and expertise month after month.

Never stop learning, and remember that if I can do it so can you!




Are you ready to embark on an amazing journey and join a team of incredible women doing just the same?


Do you have a question for Nicole?