Today’s client story features the glorious Heather! Forever inspirational, I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I did!

For several years I had always had an interest in building a “dream physique” which started with the beginning of my pole journey in 2017. I knew being stronger and leaner would help massively towards getting new moves and combinations. In the three years building up to joining team NRF I tried multiple different workouts plans and diets, but ultimately always hit barriers along the way, whether these be life events or health matters. I always ended up with the same belief that there was no point. I couldn’t see how I could eat well, train, and deal with additional factors which took me away from my goals and I gave up.

In 2019 I thought I had struck the balance and was starting to make real strides in my health and fitness journey, until at the end of 2019 when I hit multiple health barriers and went into a downwards spiral. At the prospect of facing serious health matters, having multiple investigations for different conditions, and being forced to stay on a diet I knew was damaging my body I hit my lowest point and gave up. I hit a bad spiral of health anxiety, low mood, and completely withdrew from everyone and everything. I went into the mentality of if I have to eat a bad diet then why not do it in style. I ate lots of processed and unhealthy food. Six months later I started to get more clarity, but everything was put on hold due to covid, and I knew I was facing a long period of waiting. I remember stepping on the scales one day and being horrified by my weight, always being the “skinny girl”, I was struggling to accept my body and strongly based my self-worth on the scale weight.

Although covid has been a stressful and difficult year for all I can honestly say one positive aspect of it is that it allowed me some initial time to focus on my health and fitness. After seeing my scale weight, I started joining in the pole and shape classes online, some of which Nicole taught, and really enjoyed her approach. Around this time, I started looking for a PT, I messaged Suzie, a fellow NRF team member, and asked her advice, following which I messaged Nicole for advice. I told Nicole about what had been going on, the uncertainty and barriers I could hit moving forwards, and asked her if it was worthwhile even attempting to make a start on pursuing my health and fitness journey again. What Nicole said has stuck with me and will continue to forever, “We can still make progress now, and whatever happens the journey can be adapted to fit and change with my needs” even from the beginning she has stuck by her word.

In June 2020 a week before my 26th birthday I started with Nicole. I remember writing my goals being I want to be 9 stone 4, I want to be toned, and I want to be strong. The first 8 weeks were tough. I would do my photos, do my measurements, and then I’d step on the scales and be upset that I had only lost a pound. It became even tougher 3 months in when my body was changing so much but my weight was not hitting the target. Thankfully Team NRF has the most amazing supportive group of women and following seeking their advice I binned the scales and have never looked back. The first and most important lesson I have learnt, do not base your value off a number. The second important thing I have learnt is food is your friend. Growing up as a fussy eater I had a terrible diet, and on the commencement of my journey I was adapting to a gluten free diet. I assumed, as we all do I would have to eat lettuce and fruit and be eating minimal calories to lose weight, but quite honestly I have never eaten so well. Nicole’s 80/20 approach really ensures you can follow the health and fitness journey you want but also enjoy life. I have now gone from the person who would calorie check an off plan meal to being able to enjoy a rich and balanced diet without anxiety or guilt, which is so important considering, especially for a girl who loves Nutella.

The third thing I have built over the past year, and I never thought I would, is confidence. As a teenager I was always shy, quiet, and massively lacked confidence in myself and my appearance. In the early days I would be too scared to go near a squat rack or wear a top which would show part of my stomach and would constantly pick fault at my body. Now I run to the squat rack and load up the weight, I will happily not only wear those crop tops but post my progress photos on social media, and now I have a much more mentally healthy relationship with my body in which now I take pride not only in how it looks but what it does for me. Most importantly my confidence has started to radiate into other areas of my life including my career. This journey has made me reflect on my values and what is important to me for me to lead the happiest life I can. Without this journey I do not think I would of took on the challenge to pursue not only a new career but one which will throw me into self-employment. What is amazing about Team NRF, and Nicole is that every woman shares in every woman’s achievement in life, not just those health and fitness related.

Joining team NRF truly has been a journey of self-discovery. I have learnt now that no journey is linear and that we all have setbacks. The past year has been a rollercoaster for me and as I write this my journey is beginning to re-hit many hurdles. The difference this time being I have the self-belief that I will and can do this, even if I can’t function at my healthiest optimum. I have the most amazing support from Nicole who is constantly there to listen to me, support me, and adapt to my changing needs, and I have the most amazing team of women who support and inspire me every day.

Last year I wanted to be 9 stone 4, I wanted to have quads, abs, defined biceps, back and shoulders, but now all I want is to be healthy, happy, and confident. Although the physical and strength goals will still be a part of my journey most importantly I want to eat well, and exercise to put my body in the best position possible so it can continue to fight and support me. Whatever build, shape, or size my body may adapt to or change too in  the future I am determined to nourish it and treat my body with the respect it deserves.

NRF has set me off on the most amazing path not just in terms of health and wellness, but as a whole life journey of discovery. Words cannot not even begin to express how pivotal Nicole and the Team NRF women have been for me. I cannot wait to continue my journey and watch all the amazing women’s journeys of growth in the future. Here’s to health, happiness, and enjoyment of the journey over focusing on the destination.


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The healthiest, happiest, most confident you!