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- Becki’s Client Story; From Self Conscious to Self Confident
NRF Client Story
Today we are featuring glorious client Becki. Becki began as an NRF Home member and has flourished into a confident gym goer! Forever proud of my Queens!

From being a teenager my weight has always been a problem for me. I always was the bigger friend in my friendship group. I was so self conscious and shopping trips with my mum would often end in tears.
As I got older I did get in to running, however my diet wasn’t great which meant I then became frustrated that I wasn’t actually losing any weight.
During the first lockdown, I saw Nicole was starting up NRF Home. I thought this would be an ideal time for me to get into fitness & to start a weight loss journey for my wedding.
Exercise is something that makes me feel balanced mentally & during that first lockdown NRF Home 1000% did just that.
A stone down, a number of inches & wedding postponement later. I thought it was time I upped my game. In July 2021 I decided to sign up for PT with Nicole at Heavenly Bodies gym.
I now absolutely love the gym & lifting weights.I still can’t quite believe what I’m capable of in the gym.
Mentally & physically I feel incredible & my confidence has grown so much. With absolute grit & determination in preparation for my wedding, I have dropped 3 dress sizes and many inches.

I can’t wait to walk down the aisle to marry the man of my dreams in February feeling absolutely sensational.
Thank you to Nicole for always reminding me of my potential, supporting me with nutrition & pushing me to my limits in the gym.
Thank you to the Team NRF girls for all your wonderful support, you have each inspired me & give me an extra push daily to keep moving towards my goals.
Becki xxx

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