Fitness Goals, Weight Loss, Health & Fitness

Welcome back and happy 2021, a time for manifesting and some new fitness goals!! I think a lot of us will be relieved to see the back of 2020 and looking forward to a more positive, ‘Normal’ Year..hopefully with some hugs and sunshine and less face masks and distancing! My positive pants are firmly on and I refuse to believe that we will still be living like this in the months to come! Everything crossed!

As it is January and the majority of people will be setting some form of New Year’s resolution, I thought it might be helpful to share some tips on fitness goal setting in the New Year.  

Now I don’t personally set New Year’s Resolutions (I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them!) but I do set myself fitness goals all year round and I like to start the year with a list of bigger things that I will achieve throughout the year.  I truly believe in manifesting what you want from life and writing down your goals, and what you will achieved, is a hugely important starting point for this.  

When writing down these larger year long goals it is really important that you really, truly believe that you can achieve them.  Don’t just write things down on a whim.  What do you want from this year? How will you achieve it? Do you believe you deserve it? 

Once you have your list of big goals for the year, it is time to start breaking them down and figuring out how you will achieve them.  What do you need to do to get there? The most useful tool to use for writing your goals is the SMART acronym:


What exactly are you going to achieve? Write it in a way that states that you ARE going to achieve it.

Your goal needs to be trackable. How will you know that you are moving towards your goal?

Your goal needs to be challenging but it also needs to be possible. Don’t set yourself up to fail. Can you reach this goal with hard work and determination?

Are you capable of this goal? Be realistic with yourself but also push your boundaries. You are capable of more than you realise!

You need to set yourself a time scale in which you will achieve the goal or you will end up moving the goal posts constantly.

So now we have that in order, what are your 2021 fitness goals? From here I like to break them down into smaller, more manageable weekly goals that will help me to move towards those bigger overall goals.  Again, use the same SMART acronym and ensure that you know exactly what you need to do on a weekly basis to achieve these goals.  These smaller goals are called ‘Progress Goals’ which help you work towards your ‘Outcome Goals’ and these are your small daily steps that add up to the big end prize.  Keep moving, and remember slow and steady wins the race.  

Ask yourself everyday, what can I do today to move myself closer to my goals? You don’t want to look back in a years time and not have moved any closer to the goals you have right now.  You CAN do this, 2021 is YOUR year! 

Nicole x


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