Snickers Protein Shake

INGREDIENTS: (Serves 1) 150ml Unsweetened Almond Milk 1 Scoop Salted Caramel Whey Protein 1 99cal Snicker Bar 1/2 Banana MACROS: 311 Calories

Protein & Dark Choc Yogurt Bowl

INGREDIENTS: (Serves 1) 125g 0% Greek Yogurt 30g Salted Caramel Whey Isolate 20g 70% Dark Chocolate 40g Blueberries 5g Sweet Freedom Salted Caramel Chocolate

Chocolate Lava Cake

INGREDIENTS: (Serves 1) 45g Self Raising Flour 25g Granulated Sweetener 15g Cocoa Powder 2 Medium Eggs 45g Reduced Fat Spread 1 Teaspoon Vanilla

Yogurt Bowl

Yogurt Bowl Berries
INGREDIENTS: (Serves 1) 150g Vanilla Kvarg 50g Frozen Mixed Berries 2 Teaspoons Agave Nectar 10g Almond Butter MACROS: 198 Calories 9g

French Toast

French Toast
INGREDIENTS: (Serves 1) 1 Cinnamon & Raisin Bagel Thin 100ml Unsweetened Almond Milk 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract 1 Egg 1 Teaspoon Sweet Cinnamon

Plum & Cinnamon Bagel Pudding

INGREDIENTS: (Serves 2) 2 Medium Plums, stoned and cut into segments 2 Raisins and cinnamon bagel thins, cut into small chunks 100ml Un-Sweetened Almond Milk


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